Hills Own Recipes

Entries in cashews (1)

Persian Rice Salad (from our Oscar Dinner)

serves 4-5 
1/2 lbs. long grain brown rice
12 oz. vegetable broth or salted water
1 1/2 cups of chopped cashews
1 1/2 cups of sliced pitted dates
3/4 cup of green onions, thinly sliced
1/4 cup of fresh cilantro, cuopped
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
1/4 tablespoon of ground cinnamon
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper, to taste
Place rice in pan. Bring liquid to boil and pour over rice. Cover with foil and place into a 375 degree oven fro about 30 minutes. Remove and let rest covered 10-15 minutes. Fluff and cool completely.

Combine the cashews, dates, onions and cilnatro with the cooled rice and mix together. Whisk together the lemon juice, cinnamon and olive oil to create the dressing. Season with salt and pepper, then toss into the rice salad. Serve.